segunda-feira, 28 de janeiro de 2013

What Jesus NOT Said!

Been a while since I wanted to write about it, i'm seeing a lot of people talking and doing things that Jesus not said to do, and also is not written in His words!

I'm talking about religiosity

Note that i used the word "religiosity" and not "religion", i did that because i'm not talking about religion "A" or "B", but the customs and habits that some people obliged to do, saying that this is the only way (or method) to get closer to Jesus!

Before anything we should be clear in our mind that the right way to be closer Jesus, is the way that is written on the Bible, and if is not written there, is fake!

We can’t measure to the power of God, much less how to define/foresee His way of acting, therefore not possible to determine in your life, how God should or should not do.

Suppose you go to a place that God says that will only act in your life if you greet people with your left hand, how does God react to this? Where is it written in the Bible?

Avoid phrases like: "If everyone does then it is right.", "If I do not be like he/she, i will be accepted.".
God works in the lives of each person personally, imagine if everyone bought a donkey to listen to God? God used a donkey (yes, a donkey) to rebuke Balaam (see Numbers 22:28).

Religiosity send you away from God when you set up where he can go, God is extremely polite, but He NEVER do anything by half. I see people handing over their financial lives in the hands of God, but saying to God to spend away from your emotional life.

When we commit our lives to God, we can only arrive at the center of God's will when we surrender ALL areas of our lives for Him, when we give ourselves unreservedly, significant changes happen to us and around us.

Try to walk according to God's word, and worship him in spirit and in truth (John 4:23), doing this we will be further from the religiosity and closer to God!

May the Lord Jesus bless you and your entire family!

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